Sunday, March 25, 2007

This is me


I'm Rich. I don't really know what I'm writing yet cuz I just thought I'd try this. I guess I'll describe who I am.

I love God, and that's Jehova, Jesus, The Alpha and Omega, not Allah or any other. I do know there are similarities but they are not the same. I also know my love for God is not perfect and therefore I am not perfect and I still fall. I am growing but the good thing is that I know His love for me is perfect and He is perfect and lived here and was tempted as I am and has won the race and is there to give me the power to be victorious.

Another thing about me is I have a wife, Amanda, and a son named Zach. Zach's 7 years old (btw, I'm 29). Anyway, I'm gonna go play w/ Zach 'n Amanda.

I dunno if I have the determination to keep this going but I think it'd probably be good if I did so we'll see how this goes.

Until next time,

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